Hello World!

Welcome to Tech Meets Bio, which will serve as a view into the world of scientific research, enabling technologies and the IT folks who make it all possible. For those who don’t know me, I have been covering the Life Sciences for the past 7 years as an Advisory Systems Engineer at Dell EMC. Although I do work work for an IT vendor, the thoughts and viewpoints on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

On a more personal note, I am married to a scientist who is known to take her work home with her from time to time. My goal with this blog is to help bridge the gap between her world (science) and my world (technology) to develop a fundamental understanding between these two worlds that can be used to better accelerate scientific research.

From whole genome sequencing and wearables to the latest high resolution imaging and 3D modeling, there has been and will continue to be unique data challenges for IT.  Things like “big data” and “Bimodal IT” come to mind, for those of you playing IT buzzword bingo. That said, I see this as more of a journey than a set of challenges, and rewarding one at that. We, collectively, as IT folk get to play a role in the next generation of therapies and precision medicine that will help lead to better outcomes for patients and the world as a whole. My promise to you is that I will share with you here what I have learned along this journey and what I pick up on the way.

So there you have it, Tech Meets Bio…lets do this!
